Prayer Introduction

Prayer is an expansion of total faith in the present power within and around us. When we pray with faith, we express it through our sincere thanks to Him. God knows our needs, limitations and problems. He fulfills our desire if we call up on Him and acknowledge Him every time particularly at the beginning of the day when the day’s work is done.

Morning prayer

Dear God – Father of all men
I am in your presence at all times
Please illumine my mind with true knowledge of you
Bless my country and school-teachers-family and friends.

Take this school into thy hands and breathe new life into it;
So that we may march forward-Helping
One another in work and in play,
In health and in sickness.

Help me to serve my neighbour
Out of love for you-and to be honest
To myself and to others, in whatever I do.

We ask all these in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ- Amen.


Morning Assembly

The morning assembly at EIRS plays a vital role in developing the students personality. Daily the morning assembly is held between 9:00 A.M and 9:25 A.M and is organized by the classes on a weekly rotational  basis.